Could Poor Driving Behaviour Affect the Life of Your Clutch?

Did you know that it is possible to change gear on a car fitted with manual transmission without using the clutch? However, this is not recommended for an average driver but only for the expert who knows exactly how to match the engine's speed with the road conditions beneath. Most of the time, a driver can rely on a manual mechanism to do the work, but poor driving behaviour can cause issues and lead to failure. Read More 

Services Offered By Mechanics: A Guide For New Car Owners

Once you buy a new car, one of your primary concerns would be how to conduct routine car maintenance and repairs. Well, a mechanic will help out with such issues if you do not have any experience in car repairs. Similar to other new car owners, you could ask your close friends to recommend an experienced mechanic. However, this should not be your only criteria when deciding which mechanic you should work with. Read More 

Tips for Buying Tyres for Your Agricultural Machinery

If you need to purchase tyres for your tractors or other agricultural machinery, then you might be looking for a little bit of advice. These tips can help you with buying industrial machinery tyres for whatever agricultural machinery you might be dealing with. Determine the Proper Sizing As is the case when purchasing tyres of any kind or for any purpose, one of the first things that you will need to do is make sure that you purchase tyres that are the proper size. Read More 

Truck Repair Tips

Does your business rely on trucks? If it does, you probably understand that truck repairs are a critical aspect of keeping your trucks in excellent condition and preventing downtime. Below is an excerpt with some vital truck repair tips.  Tip 1: Always Document The Repairs Most truck owners will probably be wondering why documenting the repairs that they make on their vehicles is important. Well, the records will help you create a repair and maintenance pattern. Read More 

Most Common Roadworthy Problems That Call For Inspections

Roadworthy problems will make inspectors deny you a roadworthy certificate, which means you cannot resell your car. Moreover, a car cannot be re-registered without passing an inspection. Undertaking roadworthy inspections gives the buyer confidence that the car is worth their money. Here are common roadworthy problems which your mechanic can fix to make your car suitable for sale:  Worn-Out Tyres Inspectors will not give your car a clean bill of health if the tyres are worn-out. Read More